Cost-effective vertical farms

Full stack for setting up IT-driven vertical farming business

Cost-effective vertical farms

Full stack for setting up IT-driven vertical farming business
Choose Your Vertical Farming Technology
Explore cutting-edge vertical farming systems with full-service support for cost-effective commercial
production of fresh and healthy foods
Grow salads and herbs in a controlled environment with Nutrient Film Technique hydroponics for plant irrigation. Automated, scalable technology with a wide range of crops available to grow.
Fully-automated hydroponic vertical farming solution for salads and herbs. Enables ultimate plant density and energy savings, with the minimum manual labor.
Cultivate microgreens at industrial scale with a vertical farming technology based on the Flood & Drain irrigation method, and get up to 55 harvests per year.
SaaS Platform for managing automated vertical farms, allowing you to achieve high-quality yield at predictable terms and reduce the cost of produce.
Grow full-flavored strawberries year round on a vertical farm using drip irrigation and pollination with bumblebees.
iFarm Automated farm system for commercial cultivation of vegetables in controlled environment.
Compactly packed iFarm Leafy Greens system for hyperlocal production of salads and herbs. Can be installed as an individual spot or container cluster.
The Benefits of a Vertical Farming Business with iFarm Technologies
  • 365-days of the most optimal, natural indoor growing conditions
  • Water-saving technology with 95% reduced water consumption
  • Predictable harvest volumes and accurate sales planning thanks to 24/7 digital monitoring
  • 1-stop shop: get full-service support from design to software and installation
  • Pesticides -free production in a controlled environment near to the end-customer
  • Cost-effective solutions with 5-6 year payback period
Start a business with a cost-effective automated vertical farm to grow crops year round

Single Point of Contact for Your Vertical Farming Business

iFarm offers an integrated suite of services:
150+ plant growth recipes available, with new formulas constantly being created, tested and launched
Farm management SaaS for cost-effective growth
Support and Updates
IT-platform, with a Support team for all your operational and marketing needs, including facility launch
Hardware and Automation
Highly reliable industrial infrastructure
Full-service set up, farm launch and staff onboarding
Detailed financial plan and installation documentation
Project design

Find a clear path to your vertical farming business with iFarm services

iFarm’s team will assist you in creating a business plan and secure investments for setting up a profitable farm
Farm financial performance strategy
Facility indoor layout design
Local market research
Vertical farm launch consulting

Calculate Your New Vertical Farm’s Profitability

Use the Calculator to choose an iFarm technology type and estimate the potential profitability of building a vertical farm in your area. Set your parameters and get a quote instantly
Go through your options in a meeting with your project manager
Learn about iFarm technology
Estimate the investment requirements for your project
iFarm provides free project evaluation based on individual parameters
Get a business plan and farm design
Contract market research from iFarm with a financial model calculation and project design
Launch your farm installation
Sign the supply contract, and iFarm’s installation team will arrive to fully set up your vertical farm and teach you to operate it
An Easy Way to Start Your Vertical Farm
Plant the first seeds
Plant the first batch of crops using our agricultural technology with the help of the Growtune software’s checklists
Stay in touch to receive full support
Source consumables, benefit from the iFarm Growtune platform, and consult with a Support team for all your needs
Interested in cutting-edge technologies for your future indoor farm?

Portfolio: Farms with iFarm technologies

iFarm’s Client Reviews

  • Anthony Briot
    COO, Capsum
    Indoor growing is perfect for the beauty industry, as it allows us to cultivate in a fully controlled environment free from pesticides and any harmful chemicals. iFarm’s technology fits the needs of our researchers, since they are able to vary a wide range of parameters.
  • Khalid M. Shokair
    CEO, Bather Farm
    This is a new era for Saudi Arabia and the hospitality industry is attracting professionals and tourists from all over the world. Until now, popular ingredients have been imported due to poor growing conditions, but we’re excited to bring locally grown produce to Riyadh.
  • Mark E. Zahran
    Co-Founder and CEO, Yasai
    The range of plant growth recipes available via iFarm’s Growtune software was critical to our goal of increasing crop and food diversity.

Media: iFarm in Focus

A World-Recognized Technology Provider
iFarm’s innovative, IT-driven vertical farming solutions have won awards from prestigious institutions

A Proud Member of

Let's change the world together!
We believe in using the most advanced technologies available to provide all people with equal access to fresh, safe, and sufficient food everywhere and at all times. We develop our iFarm urban farm systems for those who believe in smart, sustainable, local food sources.

At iFarm, we are creating a globally significant network of data-enabled vertical farms, and we're looking for like-minded entrepreneurs who want to take part in changing how people access and think about food.

We encourage people around the world to start their own profitable vertical farming business using our products, taking advantage of full technological support and training from iFarm.
Frequently Asked Questions about Vertical Farming Business with iFarm Technologies