iFarm’s profile is categorized under the
Wunderkind Archetype, emphasizing a high level of scalability as an early growth company with a relatively low risk that impact will be different than expected. This archetype highlights a large scope of impact with the potential to promote great change on stakeholders’ lives. The impact comes from iFarm’s technology, which enables the creation of vertical farms that produce food all year round with significant savings of energy, soil, water and labour when compared with conventional farms and greenhouses. For example, vertical farms built with iFarm’s technology use 90% less water, 75% less fertilisers and no pesticides. This is definitely a bright example of sustainable agriculture.
iFam received a high score in scalability, as the vertical farms using iFarm’s technology allow for local production of the required products regardless of the season, climate zone and location. Furthermore, iFarm demonstrates a high level of transparency based on its efforts to disclose its activities and impact of its operations.