Indoor cucumber farm
Growing Area
Production volume per year
200 m²
~18.5 tons
The first vegetable farm using the iFarm Veggies technology was launched in fall 2022 in the harsh nordic environment of Kamchatka. The farm is located in a local supermarket and has stained-glass walls to showcase the technology to visitors. The most profitable product being grown there now are cucumbers. At the pilot farm, experiments with light, nutrition, climate and vegetable varieties are carried out regularly.

The rack system has no tiers, since cucumber and tomato stalks occupy the entire height of the rack system up to 4−5 meters. The rack system is equipped with rigging: ropes, cables and chains to support the stalks. The plants are fed and watered by a drip irrigation system without recirculation of nutrient solution, an approach based on the low-volume hydroponic system. The substrate is rock wool.

The growing area of the main compartment is 200 m². It contains 850 short-fruited cucumber plants. Productivity is 50.6 kg per day (400−500 grams per plant per week). The capacity of the seedling section (14 m²) is 800 plants.

The products produced here are delivered to local supermarkets for further sale. The pilot farm is operationally profitable.

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