Urban farmers are a team of city farmers who grow fresh herbs in the suburbs of Prague, in the small community of Zdiby. The vertical hydroponic farm went live in March 2021, six months later the company subscribed to
iFarm Growtune to manage production, grow plants and market the crop.
According to the selected tariff plan
Growtune Light, the client customize recipes to growing plants by himself. He has access to order management, farm capacity, monitoring and production control modules, the ability to use checklists for growers. All software tools are updated free of charge. Online support is also available.
The total growing area of the farm is 66 m². The harvest is delivered to Prague on pre-orders twice a week. The assortment includes the most popular salads and herbs: coriander, basil, lettuce, kale, dill, pak choi, parsley, sage, chard and arugula.